Fios Internet Setup - Move away from Verizon Fios Gateway Router

I have primarily been using the Google Wifi Mesh for internet with multiple devices connected via WIFI / Ethernet to the 3 wifi routers. Speeds are currently better than the Verizon Fios G1100 Gateway and I find that there's no real need for the Verizon Fios G1100 Gateway aside from the connection to the Set-Top Boxes.

The plan is to switch to the following setup which comes with a couple of quirks:

Initial SetupFinal Setup
Initial SetupFinal Setup

The final setup diagram essentially removes the Verizon Fios G1100 Gateway completely.

Here are some questions / answers that come along with the new setup (TLDR):

  1. What exactly is the Verizon Fios G1100 Gateway doing currently for the set-top boxes? Is it even doing anything?
    • The router is currently building a moca network that feeds back into the coax and supports the STB boxes for the tv
  2. What exactly do I need to purchase / enable to remove the Verizon Fios G1100 Gateway box altogether while still enabling all of the Set-Top boxes?
    • Purchase a MoCA CoAX to Ethernet Adaptor to build the moca network

A detailed diagram illustrates how MoCA works with Fios.

The key piece that is missing in order to move to the new setup is a MoCA adapter to feed the program guide and on demand data to the TV STBs. That is something that the G1100 Gatway Router does in the initial setup diagram with its connection to the coax.

Getting a MoCA adapter is the only missing component. As an added benefit, if you have other coax connections in your house, you can get additional MoCA adapters to get wired ethernet connectivity to those places.

Final Setup

Action Items

  1. Call Verizon to enable Ethernet on the ONT device
  2. Use Ethernet to directly connect to the Google Wifi Router Mesh from the ONT
  3. Purchase a MoCA CoAX to Ethernet Adaptor to build the moca network for the STB boxes

Hope this helps! 😊